Innallaha Ma Sabireen Meaning In Hindi

Written By Ahmed Raza
Reviewed By Diary Trend Staff

In the vast tapestry of Islamic teachings, patience, or ‘sabr’ in Arabic, holds a special place. The Quran, the holy book of Islam, repeatedly emphasizes the importance of patience, assuring believers that Allah is with those who endure difficulties with fortitude. The phrase “إِنَّ اللّٰهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ” (Inna Allaha Ma’a Sabireen), encapsulates this concept and serves as a powerful reminder of the divine connection with those who practice patience. The Hindi translation, “अल्लाह हमेशा उन लोगों के साथ है जो वास्तव में धैर्यवान हैं,” conveys a similar message, emphasizing that Allah’s support is always with those who truly embody patience.

Understanding the Phrase

“Inna Allaha Ma’a Sabireen” translates to “Indeed, Allah is with the patient” in English. This verse (2:153) is part of a broader context within the Quran that extols the virtues of patience in various situations, be it personal trials, societal challenges, or tests of faith. The use of the word ‘Ma’a’ (with) in the phrase reinforces the idea that Allah’s support is not distant but intimately connected to those who demonstrate patience.

The Essence of Patience in Islam

Patience, or ‘Sabr’ in Arabic, is a central theme in Islam, deeply embedded in the faith’s teachings and practices. It is considered not just a virtue but a cornerstone for navigating the trials and tribulations of life. The Quran and Hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) are replete with references to patience, urging believers to adopt it in their daily lives. This emphasis on patience is because life is full of challenges, and how one responds to these challenges determines their faith and character.

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The Meaning and Scope of “Innallaha Ma Sabireen”

The phrase “Innallaha Ma Sabireen” is a source of comfort and motivation for Muslims. It reassures them that during times of hardship, when it might feel like they are alone, Allah’s support is steadfast for those who remain patient. This support from Allah can manifest in various forms – strength to endure hardships, peace of mind amidst turmoil, or unexpected solutions to problems.

The scope of patience encapsulated in this phrase is broad. It covers patience in the face of adversity, patience in obeying Allah’s commands, and patience in refraining from prohibitions. Each aspect requires a steadfast heart and a strong will, qualities that are cherished and rewarded by Allah.

Patience as a Test of Faith

In Islamic teachings, life is considered a test, and patience is one of the key virtues that are tested. This concept is evident in many Quranic verses and Hadiths, which narrate stories of prophets and righteous people who were tested with severe trials and emerged victorious through their unwavering patience and faith in Allah. These stories serve as examples for Muslims to follow, illustrating that patience is not passive endurance but an active trust in Allah’s wisdom and timing.

The Rewards of Patience

The rewards for patience are immense and multifaceted. Apart from the immediate comfort of divine support, the Quran promises great rewards in the hereafter for those who practice patience. This includes forgiveness for sins and entry into Paradise, which is described as the ultimate reward for the believers. Patience also has worldly benefits, including personal growth, resilience, and improved relationships, as it fosters understanding and empathy towards others.

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The phrase “Innallaha Ma Sabireen” encapsulates a profound Islamic teaching on the virtue of patience. It reassures believers of Allah’s unwavering support for those who persevere through their trials with faith and patience. This message transcends cultural and linguistic boundaries, resonating with Muslims worldwide, including Hindi-speaking communities. By embodying patience, believers not only navigate the challenges of life more effectively but also draw closer to Allah, earning His favor and the ultimate reward of Paradise. This teaching encourages Muslims to view patience not just as a passive virtue but as an active expression of faith and trust in Allah’s plan.

Ahmed Raza

Ahmed Raza is a versatile writer featured on and notable sites like He excels in crafting insightful content across various sectors, enriching readers with his diverse expertise.

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